Which Couples Need IVF

IVF is an acronym for in vitro fertilization and is a more widely known type of assisted reproductive technology that is used to treat infertility. IVF is the combination of medication and surgery to help sperm fertilize an egg, further implanted in the uterus.

Below is a list of the most frequent conditions when IVF is needed for a couple

Fallopian Tube Disorder 

On the off chance that both fallopian tubes are obstructed, IVF is the alone choice for having a biological child. The fallopian tubes are the pathway that joins the ovaries to the uterus. In the event that an egg ovulated from ovaries fails to arrive at the uterus— and sperm cannot travel to get to the egg—pregnancy cannot happen. 

In certain circumstances, fallopian tube repair surgery is recommended. If the surgery is a success, there won’t be any need to undergo an IVF

procedure. However, achievement rates differ significantly, and it is not a decent choice for most ladies with extreme tubal illness.

Ovulation Disorder

Ovulation disorder is one of the common reasons for infertility and accounts for infertility in about 1 in 4 infertile couples. In ovulation disorder, women either ovulate infrequently or do not ovulate at all. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Hypothalamic dysfunction, Premature ovarian failure, Too much prolactin can cause ovulation disorder.


Endometrial lesions can cause adhesions (sticking) to form. These adhesions may pull on the reproductive organs, hindering their capability to perform normally. Adhesions may likewise lead to fallopian tube blockage, which can restrict the egg and sperm from contacting. Embryos from women who have endometriosis grow slower than average. IVF is acknowledged as the efficient overall approach in rendering the best results.

Uterine fibroids

Fibroids are harmless tumors on the uterus wall and common in women of age group 30-40. Fibroids can conflict with the implantation of the fertilized egg.

Weakened Sperm Production or Function  

If the sperm concentration is below-average, sperm has poor mobility, or there are irregularities in the size or shape of the sperm, it may become difficult for sperm to fertilize an egg. If semen abnormalities are detected, correctable measures are required.

Genetic Disorder

Everyone wants a healthy child, especially those who themselves are suffering from some genetic disorder. If any of the partners has a genetic disorder and is at risk of passing it to the child, then they should get preimplantation genetic testing — a procedure involving IVF. In this procedure, eggs are fertilized and then screened for the genetic problem, if any. Embryos that do not contain identified genetic problems are further moved to the uterus.

Unexplained Fertility

In some cases where all the reports of the couple are normal and no particular reason can be stated for not conceiving, such cases are known as unexplained infertility. Infertility can be said as “unexplained” when women have a regular menstrual cycle with ovulation, has no fallopian disorder or blockage, does not suffer from fibrous growth or endometriosis, and a man has normal sperm but are still not able to conceive after trying atleast for two years.

For more information, visit https://www.rainbowfertilitycentre.in/invitro-fertilization.php or call: 098336 06375 to schedule an appointment with our IVF Specialist.